Introduction to Managerial Accounting

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Introduction to Managerial Accounting

Introduction to Managerial Accounting

Introduction to Managerial Accounting

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Introduction to Managerial Accounting

Product details

Hardcover: 672 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 6 edition (January 4, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0078025419

ISBN-13: 978-0078025419

Product Dimensions:

8.9 x 1.1 x 11.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.8 pounds

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

1,319 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#327,380 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Man, how I initially hated this course. However, the textbook is very clear and offers good examples. I also recommend signing up for the online component (as our instructor required) because the additional practice and reference materials are actually helpful. If you're need a textbook to teach yourself accounting or to teach others, I think you do a self-guided course with this book.Downside, it's freaking huge and quite heavy. Not bookbag friendly. There are versions that are sold as binder sheets so you could just take the evening's assigned chapters to class.

I used this book for 2 accounting classes and as a reference for 2 others. It's well laid out, though wordy at times, and provides clear examples to follow, though I think it helps to have some accounting background (like a basic college accounting class) to get the most out of it. In fact, I like this textbook so much I finally just bought a used copy. Since I don't perform all the duties of an accountant every day, I use this a reference and resource book. I highly recommend this book for anyone who needs to a reference or a refresher for accounting practices (even my accounting professor keeps an extra copy in her business office for that purpose).

Great book! I am still in my managerial accounting class and find this book easy to guide students in understanding how important managerial accounting is in business. The supplemental guide WyleyPlus is highly recommended and compliments this book well! Will help students, who are not accounting experts, the guidance needed in understanding the course you are taking. Equations are easy to follow and there are tons of problems and examples to help a student through the chapters.

This was the textbook for my first-ever accounting class, and it surely did not disappoint. The chapters may be long and detailed, but they're easy to understand. There are plenty of charts and other visuals to help you understand the concepts more easily. And, there are plenty of exercises of all types at the end of each chapter, as well as exercise materials in the middle of chapters so you can instantly review and apply what you've just learned. The professor I had for my Principles of Accounting class was really great on his own, and this book was a great supplement, as reading the material independently helps me process it more easily.This is the Oakton Community College version of the book. I haven't seen other versions of this textbook before, so let me just summarize what the Oakton version looks like, in case it will work for you. The definitions for key terms are not at the end of the book, but rather at the end of every chapter. There are 13 chapters and 5 appendices, and they are:1: Introduction to Financial Statements2: A Further Look at Financial Statements3: The Accounting Information System4: Accrual Accounting Concepts5: Merchandising Operations and the Multiple-Step Income Statement6: Reporting and Analyzing Inventory7: Fraud, Internal Control, and Cash8: Reporting and Analyzing Receivables9: Reporting and Analyzing Long-Lived Assets10: Reporting and Analyzing Liabilities11: Reporting and Analyzing Stockholders' Equity12: Statement of Cash Flows13: Financial Analysis: The Big PictureAppendix A: Specimen Financial Statements: Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc.Appendix B: Specimen Financial Statements: The Hershey CompanyAppendix C: Specimen Financial Statements: Zetar plcAppendix D: Time Value of MoneyAppendix E: Reporting and Analyzing InvestmentsIf you take this class at Oakton Community College in Des Plaines or Skokie, IL, then you will probably have to read 11 or 12 of the 13 chapters, and 1 or 2 of the 5 appendices.

Managerial Accounting for Managers by Noreen, Brewer and Garrison is a completely engaging text book. This book takes you on a journey through Managerial Accounting (which is substantially different from financial accounting). Noreen has crafted a book which shines from the ranks of other dusty texts.One would have a difficult time reviewing this text without the mind being drawn to other books on the same subject. By comparison, Managerial Accounting for Managers is a wholly interesting story which conveys its meaning by involving the reader. Other text books are simply left behind in a heap of dry and dusty factoids. While previous texts on the same subject have presented the facts of Managerial Accounting, Noreen, Brewer and Garrison have woven this same topical information into an exciting narrative.I could go on and on at whatever length desired about the positive aspects of this book. You will enjoy it immensely as it provides not only teaching, not only entertainment, but a transporting experience to a higher plane.

If you're looking at this as a student, you probably have no choice. You have to buy this book or something very similar to pass your class. If you will have problem sets from the book, you have to have the latest edition because those problems change enough that they are able to force you to buy the latest edition.If you are a developer of a curriculum for accounting, this is a passable book. As was the prior edition, a passable book. Do the right thing for your students who might be paying as much for books now as they are for tuition -- use the earliest edition possible. How many FASB changes have there really been that are applicable in the intro classes.If you are a teacher with no choice in the assigned books, this is as fine a book as others, so don't you worry, You can get away with using your notes from other author's books.

Disappointed. This is titled w/ connect plus, however it does not have the number for the connect plus. The name/title of this product is deceiving.

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